
by zuena

written: may 12th, 2022

One must imagine Sisyphus happy. Or one mustn't. Really it depends on the person imagining. One can if desired. Or maybe not. One can imagine Sisyphus happy, under the appropriate circumstances. Inappropriate too, maybe.

Phrasing every sentence accurately, without any flaw can be difficult. It's certainly not impossible, I think, but I could be wrong.

Nuance can be important. I used "can be" here because I do not know for sure if it is important. How am I to assess that? What do I hold against it to measure its importance?

Saying it can be important leaves room for when it is and is not important.

This sometimes leaves me stranded in a path of sentences I would like to say like a lot of other people do, but I end up not doing so because I could be wrong.

This can end up consuming a significant amount of time forming, correcting, and then recorrecting a sentence multiple times when I could say it without doing so.

This has almost come to a point of obsession, although I try to make a point to not always be as precise, as correct as I would usually like to be. So I'll try to stop. I'll stop. No, I'll try to stop. God.
